Tithing a percentage of the money God has blessed us with is another way we worship Him!  In the Old Testament, a tenth of the crops and income was expected by God to go to the Levitical Priests.  Jesus, in the New Testament, teaches us to give everything!  Like any other form of worship, tithing is a matter of the heart.

     Mark 12:43-44 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.  They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on.” (NIV)

     The Tithes and Offerings donated to the First Christian Church all go to benefit the Kingdom of God.  The salaries of staff, support of missions, cost of buildings and materials are all covered by the generous donations of Gods people!  Please take seriously the call of every Christian to give sacrificially. 

Ways to Give

  • Online:  Simply click the "Make a Donation" button at the bottom of this screen.

  • Text:  Text the word "Giving" to (785) 390-9009 and follow the link provided.

  • The Collection Plate:

                8:00am Service - an Elder or Deacon will pass the plate from pew to pew.

              10:30am Service - you may drop your donation in the plate at the front of the Sanctuary during communion.

  • Mail:  You may send check donations (Please do not send cash) to the following address.


               P.O. Box 126

               200 South Walnut

               Garnett, KS 66032